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Portrait of Claudia Erdheim
by Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich


Russian Every Day Life in Picture



Russischer Alltag in Bildern

ISBN 3-85409-304-7



Russia 1998: poverty, chaos, and black markets on the one hand, Slavic unshakeability and joy of life on the other.

Claudia Erheim traveled from Moscow towards the North of the country, visited several cities along the Volga, in Central Siberia and by the Lake Baikal. Using her keen power of observation, Claudia Erdheim photographed drunks, homeless persons, beggars and stray dogs, as well as the many flowers in front of the metro, cakes and sweets, policemen, popes, elegant women and youths. Clothing and tabacco markets, May Day celebrations, Easter, the new year, parties at home, at school or the office. The viewer is, as it were, led through visual walks through the country. Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kasan take on such life that it seems as if one were actually there.


Sample Pictures

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